You will keep a daily log of all the foods and drinks you consume. This will help you track your...
The purpose of this activity is for you to consider various statements and develop your own...
You will plan and budget for a grocery shopping trip focused on healthy foods. This activity will...
You will complete a bingo card filled with healthy habits like drinking water, eating vegetables...
Learn how to read emotions from facial expressions and body language!
To Understand the process of reforestation/revegetation: Know where trees and plants come from for...
This activity helps you find a stable ground to stand on for your future adventures and projects.
This activity helps the participants communicate awareness through a creative exercise about ocean...
Create your own set of social rules in "Making Our Own Social Code." Whether it's a new way to...
An interactive, self-reflective and group discovery of values
A fun way for the participants to learn more about the plastics problem
This activity will help you understand the difference between recycling and reducing waste and how...