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Learning from the Past


Ask the questions:

  • What goals have I achieved, or not achieved?
  • List the reasons the goals were achieved or not, be specific and honest.
  • What barriers did I encountered with previous goals? Do I have any methods / ways to overcome them?
  • What d id I learn from my previous goal(s)?
  • What have I done well in planning projects /achieving goals before?
  • Have I experience d planning that didn’t work out too well before?
  • Have I experienced something that was very well planned before?

For leaders: Help the Scout s reflect by asking leading and exploring questions that will help them get new insights into their future possibilities. Sometimes asking critical or enquiring questions about their previous experiences.

Time needed

15 minutes

Age range

  • 15 and above


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Time needed

15 minutes

Age range

  • 15 and above
