Goal 4

Quality Education

Goal 4

Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Education is a powerful tool that can transform lives. But sadly, millions of children lack access to quality education.
Scouts, we can help bridge this gap! By supporting education initiatives and promoting the importance of learning - both at school and outside of it - we can change lives.

A sscout leader teaching a child
A sscout leader teaching a child

Inspiring projects

Project 15210 15

Reciclando com amor - Casinhas de Pets

Read more about Reciclando com amor - Casinhas de Pets
Project 9600 100

Small actions can save the world

Read more about Small actions can save the world
Project 600 60

Fruit Orchard & Butterfly Houses at town's farm

Read more about Fruit Orchard & Butterfly Houses at town's farm

Take action now

Start your journey and earn your digital badge! If you’re working on your own project outside of these challenges, you can still join our family! Start by submitting your project details and photos...

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Quality Education activities

Food Diary Challenge

You will keep a daily log of all the foods and drinks you consume. This will help you track your...

Choose activity Food Diary Challenge

Joyful Collage Creation

You will create a collage that represents what brings you joy. This activity helps you focus on...

Choose activity Joyful Collage Creation

My Own Garden

You will grow your own fruits, vegetables, or herbs. This activity will teach you about sustainable...

Choose activity My Own Garden

Secret agent Scavenger Hunt

You will participate in a scavenger hunt to find hidden items and solve clues. This activity...

Choose activity Secret agent Scavenger Hunt

Matching Languages Game

In this activity, you will match "word" cards with the correct language cards, promoting language...

Choose activity Matching Languages Game

Food Diary Challenge

You will keep a daily log of all the foods and drinks you consume. This will help you track your...

Choose activity Food Diary Challenge

Food and Mood Journaling

You will keep a journal to track what you eat and how it affects your mood. This activity will help...

Choose activity Food and Mood Journaling

Interactive storytelling Adventure

You will take part in an interactive storytelling session where you contribute to the story. This...

Choose activity Interactive storytelling Adventure

Big Foot Ski Game

For this activity, you will need to work in teams of five to compete in a race while connected by...

Choose activity Big Foot Ski Game

Healthy Habits Bingo

You will complete a bingo card filled with healthy habits like drinking water, eating vegetables...

Choose activity Healthy Habits Bingo

Emotion Art Exploration

You will learn how to express different emotions through art and learn to identify and express your...

Choose activity Emotion Art Exploration

Friendship Bracelet Exchange

You will create and exchange friendship bracelets with others. This activity fosters positive...

Choose activity Friendship Bracelet Exchange