Fruit Orchard & Butterfly Houses at town's farm
To show what can be accomplished in small urban plot gardens. Even at a local level, positive impact can be made to address hunger, offer hands-on approach to quality education, lead the way for communities to be sustainable, initiate climate action, improve life on land, while working in partnership with local government...and involving the community every step of the way
The project consisted of planting an orchard at a local community outdoor education site, Old Rucker Farm. An undeveloped plot of land was designated; plans were created for the best yield of fruit, and the land was tilled. The work crew consisted of 60 Scouts, non-Scout youth, Scout Leaders and adults. Fruit trees were planted and Butterfly Houses built and installed for pollination of plants and trees. My key role was to implement my plan and provide leadership for the entire work crew
Old Rucker Farm serves as an education facility for our community. School children 6 years to 18 visit to learn about the possibilities of small plot gardens. Community groups of adults participate in educational programs. Hundreds of people visit the Farm each year. The impact of my project equates to a relatively small stone being thrown into a body of water with ripple effects carrying its message far and wide. My project serves as an example of what can be done by Scouts throughout our world
Weather was a factor in scheduling the soil preparation and planting.The project was done in the autumn. While we enjoyed some beautiful, warm sunny days, work had to be rescheduled several times due to cold and rain. Businesses in our community were very generous with donations once they fully understood the purpose of the project.