Goal 1

No Poverty

Goal 1

No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Nearly half of the world's population lives in poverty. When people are out of poverty, they can unleash their full human potential!

By engaging in our communities, like helping with shelters and advocating for fairer policies, Scouts can help end poverty and give everyone a chance to thrive

Scouts learn about SDG 1
Scouts learn about SDG 1

Inspiring projects

Project 60 10

Distribution of winter clothes

Read more about Distribution of winter clothes
Project 192 32

Food Donation Programme in Bangladesh

Read more about Food Donation Programme in Bangladesh
Project 10 2

Special Lunch Food Drive

Read more about Special Lunch Food Drive

Take action now

Start your journey and earn your digital badge, you can be an advocate for our planet, spread peace and promote sustainability through many challenges you can choose from.

Prepared for life

No Poverty activities

Start your journey and earn your digital badges! Spread peace and promote well-being and sustainability through our many challenges. 

Mind Mapping

Brainstorm and explore social issues through mind mapping - there’s two rules: be creative and...

Choose activity Mind Mapping

Community Project Planning with a SMART Plan

Plan your project using the SMART framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time...

Choose activity Community Project Planning with a SMART Plan

What Would ____ Do?

Foster empathy and critical thinking by exploring different perspectives on social issues through...

Choose activity What Would ____ Do?

Community Testing

Take your ideas to the community and test them. Gather feedback to refine your solutions.

Choose activity Community Testing

Community Walkabout

Observe your surroundings and identify social issues in your neighbourhood.

Choose activity Community Walkabout

Think Feel Do

Think about how your solution will make people feel, what they will think, and what they will do...

Choose activity Think Feel Do

£1 or £1 million

In this activity, you are given different budgets, ranging from £1 to £1million, and are tasked...

Choose activity £1 or £1 million


Build prototypes of your solutions using basic materials. How well do your ideas hold up in real...

Choose activity Prototyping

Empathy Map

This activity helps you see the world through other people’s eyes, using empathy.

Choose activity Empathy Map

Problem-solving with Play Money

Solve problems within different budget constraints using play money. How creatively can you...

Choose activity Problem-solving with Play Money


Engage in a collaborative and creative exercise that fosters problem-solving and teamwork

Choose activity Consequences


Test your ideas by responding to potential problems with solutions. How well can you defend your...

Choose activity BUT… SO…