Learning Objectives
Understand the concept of a balanced diet and the importance it has on our health.
Recognise different food groups and their role in providing energy, nutrients, vitamins, and more to our bodies.
Develop awareness of personal eating habits by reflecting on what they ate during the week.
Provide each child with a colorful and engaging food diary worksheet.
Explain to them that their task is to record everything they eat and drink each day for a week. Show them an example of one of your days.
Encourage them to use simple language and drawings to describe their meals and snacks.
Emphasise the importance of being honest and detailed in their entries, tell them that there is no right and wrong! It is just a game!
Remind children to ask for help from parents or guardians if needed to fill out their diaries accurately.
Encourage them to ask their parents or guardians about different food groups and to learn new things every day!
One week later, gather them to discuss their experiences with maintaining the food diary.
Begin by asking each child to share one thing they learned about their eating habits during the week.
Discuss what they could do better in the following week, ex. “Next week I need to eat less sweets and drink more water”
Guide the conversation towards the concept of a balanced diet by asking questions such as:
Can anyone name the different food groups we need to eat from every day?
Did you include foods from all the different food groups in your meals?
What are some examples of healthy snacks you enjoyed during the week?
Use visual aids or props to illustrate examples of healthy foods from each food group.
Wrap up the debrief by emphasizing the importance of making healthy food choices to grow strong and stay healthy.
Make sure everyone understand the concept that “eating healthy is fun, it gives you energy” and “Everybody is different".
Colourful food diary worksheet for each child
Crayons or markers for drawing
Visual aids or props depicting examples of healthy foods