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Stefanus Gunawan
Service hours
Service Projects
7 months ago
Project 1490 5

Fun Education for Ciporeat Village Kids

Fun learning methods are one of the things that need to be done to attract children's interest in learning. Learning about the environment is also important...
Read more about Fun Education for Ciporeat Village Kids
7 months ago
Project 200 50

Scouts for the Environment: 3R Socialization

Waste is one of the main problems in Indonesia. In 2016, household waste in Indonesia reached 65,200,000 tons per year, causing environmental problems. This is...
Read more about Scouts for the Environment: 3R Socialization
7 months ago
Project 160 40

Pramuka Peduli Lingkungan: Sosialisasi 3R

Sampah adalah salah satu masalah utama di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2016, sampah rumah tangga di Indonesia mencapai 65.200.000 ton per tahun sehingga menimbulkan...
Read more about Pramuka Peduli Lingkungan: Sosialisasi 3R