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Water Rocket Workshop for Ciporeat Village Kids

Covid-19 pandemic forced school students to make adjustments to their habits, including learning at school. Two years of studying at home resulted in a moral crisis, lack of motivation to study and difficulty carrying out extracurricular activities. Now, many of these students do not have adequate facilities to support learning. Therefore, adjustments and guidance are needed for students so that they can have new enthusiasm after the Covid-19 pandemic with quality and enjoyable learning.

This project was carried out by giving a presentation first in class to support practical implementation the following day, of course in a fun, informative and innovative way through making physical works. Next, a water rocket was made using used materials and then the working principle was briefly explained before playing. Appreciation was given to the group with the furthest water rocket flight distance.

The number of beneficiaries from this project is around 120 junior high school age children. Through this workshop, the children gained a lot of new knowledge regarding water rocket technology which is an application of physics concepts learned at school and also knowledge about reusing waste. Because of this, these children become more enthusiastic about wanting to learn more in the future. The teachers in the village also became motivated to provide school materials in a fun way.

Through this project, I learned that fun learning can provide more motivation to want to learn and be creative. These creations can also arise using simple items around us, one of which is through the use of used goods. For this reason, we as scouts must be able to provide teaching in creative ways so that people become motivated to want to know more.

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Youth Engagement
Communications and Scouting Profile

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