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Revitalization of Ciporeat Selfie Village

Ciporeat Village is one of the villages that has potential in the tourism sector. One of the tourist attractions in Ciporeat is Selfie Village. Seeing that the management is still not good and the photo spots are neglected, we are carrying out revitalization so that in the future the management of this tourist attraction can be better. This needs to be done considering that some village residents depend on this tourist attraction for their living, either directly or indirectly.

This project was carried out by first cleaning the Selfie Village area. Then, we carry out repairs and improve supporting facilities that are damaged or poorly maintained. After that, we revitalized the main photo spot which is considered very unique. Finally, we also held discussions regarding management with the managers of these tourist attractions so that in the future they can be managed well.

The beneficiaries of this project number around 100 people who depend directly on Selfie Village. Apart from these 100 people, of course the families who earn their living from the workers at this tourist attraction are also affected. Broadly speaking, this revitalization helps reduce the inequality that occurs in this village because this tourist attraction is a source of employment opportunities needed by the local community.

Through this project, I learned that good governance is one of the keys to overcoming inequality. Creativity is also needed by the manager of a tourist attraction so that it can attract tourists to attend. In essence, to overcome inequality and provide sustainable community livelihoods, more effort and cooperation from all elements of society is needed.

Started Ended
Number of participants
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Nature and Biodiversity
Civic engagement

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