This activity aims to inspire the participants to understand our planet - and the challenges it...
Explore the different stages of conflict, in a manageable and simplified way.
In this activity, you'll consider different images and explore how they make you think and feel...
Through drawing and describing, explore your own perceptions and how the perceptions of others can...
Explore how much you can reduce your plastic consumption and what new practices you can adopt to...
Get creative and demonstrate hands-on leadership with a poster to get people aware of critical...
Through some leading questions you will get to reflect on your own ideas about the future.
To explore the linkages between Society, Environment, and Economy (= S.E.E.) by looking at...
Experience directly the usefulness of UV rays as a possible means of disinfecting water in remote...
In this activity, you will create art using the power of sunlight and a magnifying glass. Get ready...
Become a Solar Chef and harness the power of the sun to cook delicious meals using your self-made...
Use in practice your solar oven or cooker that you made in the previous activity, and share it with...