Profile picture for user dharmender999
Dharmender Kumar
6 months ago
Project 30 35

Cleaning School Area

The main objective of the cleaning project. Was to improving livelihood of poor communities through cleaning plastic waste around school area and our locality...
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6 months ago
Project 20 10

Green India clean India Trees carring part 2

The pollution around me inspired me to take this action. I got inspiration to plant trees form our scout leader. He makes us plant a teverey year and he tells...
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10 months ago
Project 40 20

74FoundationDay foodDistribute among needy people

When We go out on the streets, we see many people who are not eating. We feel bad for ourselves when we see them. We want to do more for the people. Which is...
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6 months ago
Project 366 5

Food Feeding to Animals Zero Hunger (Dhukra)

We are trying to create a new world where no one will starve even an animal which is living around us like cays and dogs. So we are working for stray animals...
Read more about Food Feeding to Animals Zero Hunger (Dhukra)