Explanation of the Activity: Explain that the goal of the activity is to analyse the potential impacts, both positive and negative, of a solution on one of the SDGs. Emphasise that the aim is to avoid causing harm to the community by accident.
Selection of SDG and Solution Idea: Provide participants with a list of solution ideas that are relevant to a specific SDG. For example, if you choose Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), you can offer ideas related to urban planning, transportation, or waste management. Each participant or group should choose one idea from the list.
Impact Analysis: Ask participants or groups to conduct an impact analysis of the chosen solution idea on the selected SDG. They should consider both the intended positive effects and any potential negative consequences. Use markers, pens, or coloured pencils to draw a "Pro" and "Con" list on a whiteboard or poster paper.
Group Discussion: After conducting the impact analysis, have participants discuss their findings within small groups. Encourage them to share insights, potential conflicts, and ideas for mitigating the negative consequences.
Presentation and Reflection: Each group presents their analysis to the larger group. Facilitate a discussion on the importance of considering the broader implications of solutions on specific SDGs. Encourage participants to reflect on the need for responsible and sustainable development
Handouts of the Sustainable Development Goals - Markers, pens, or coloured pencils - Whiteboard and markers (or poster paper) - List of solution ideas (relevant to any specific SDG)