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Kelvin Kakanku
4 months ago
Project 6 600

End Early Child Marriages in Eastern Launch

There are high rates of girl children being married off in Eastern Province of Zambia disadvantaging girl education in the area resulting in high levels of...
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Zambia Scouts  celebrate Founder's Day in Style
4 years ago
Project 18000 500

Zambia Scouts celebrate Founder's Day in Style

Zambia Scouts Association last week brought together about 500 scouts to celebrate Founder's Day by planting trees in 10 different centres calminating in a...
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Nakonde end Early Child Marriage and Drug Abuse
4 years ago
Project 640500 250

Nakonde end Early Child Marriage and Drug Abuse

Having realized the hazard attached to early child marriage and drug abuse vices that are very rife in Nakonde District of the Muchinga Division of Zambia, the...
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Lusaka Scouts Celebrate Youth Day in Action
5 years ago
Project 252 42

Lusaka Scouts Celebrate Youth Day in Action

42 Lusaka Scouts from three troops; Matero, Otherside and Heroes groups celebrated the Youth day in style by instead of matching, cleaning the surrounding of a...
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