ZSA Chief Scout Commissioner, Diangamo goes East

ZSA Chief Scout Commissioner, Diangamo goes East

Zambia scout Chief Commissioner, Webster Diangamo is in Eastern Province of Zambia to grace a fund raising venteure organized by the local leadership there tonight, Friday 1st November 2019. 

The venture is aimed at raising resources to jump start scout mobilization in the province and boost the scout number that have been low due to lask of mobility problems.

Mr. Diangamo is accompanied by his Deputy, Mr. Lazarous Mwaba, National Headquarters Commissioner, Kelvin Kakanku and Financial Manager Tasila Phiri.

Before the event kicked off the entourage paid courtsey calls on the Permanent Secretary, the Provincial Education Officer and the Town Mayor in the company of a Provincial Youth Officials, from Ministry of Youth. The Provincial Government leadership was pleased to note that scouting had started coming back to the youths again after missing in action for sometime. They promised to render full support to the movement considering its important in society and the coutry at large.

"I was happy to even see scouts lead in the just ended Independence cerebrations in Lundazi," said PS Jasphat Lombe at the meeting pledging to do everything necessary to ensure it succeeds.

They later met some Chipata District Scouts at Kanjala Day School


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