End Early Child Marriages in Eastern Launch

There are high rates of girl children being married off in Eastern Province of Zambia disadvantaging girl education in the area resulting in high levels of poverty, inequalities, gender based violence, unwanted pregnancies, and malnutrition among children born of these marriages. ZSA has embarked on a sensitization project to reduce the habit. The project would target sensitizing the masses & re-enrolling 20 girls rescued from early marriages into school for one year.
The project was then launched on the 30th September 2023 in Chipata graced by the Provincial Minister Hon. Phiri. School logistics were presented to five (5) District Education Board Secretaries receiving on behalf of 20 girls. The Provincial Education Office, the Gender & Development, Youth, Child Development and Social Welfare Departments choose five districts where four (4) girls were nominated for support. The districts selected were, Chipata, Kasenengwa, Petauke, Sinda and Chipangali.
20 girls withdrawn from early marriages supported back into school in five districts were the direct beneficiaries and 600 household members of the 20 girls indirectly benefit from the project.
Early marriages breed poverty, gender based violence, high maternal mortality rates, inequalities and malnutrition among children, which lead to poor national economic performance. Tackling this vice would help reduce on these effects and booster economic growth resulting in reduced poverty levels among communities and an overall healthy-well being for all. Working with the provincial administration made the project successful.
Number of participants
Service hours
Culture and heritage
Health lifestyles
Sexual and reproductive health

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