Profile picture for user hamza_1_1
Hamza Ali Asgher
Scouts Sports Festival
3 years ago
Project 1200 50

Scouts Sports Festival

To be a scout we have to be fit physically as well asa mentally. keeping this thought in my Burhani scouts organized an sports fastival where scouts of burhani...
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Adults in Scouting (SLTC)
3 years ago
Project 4800 100

Adults in Scouting (SLTC)

In the month of Octuber 2020, Burhani Scouts Group organized SLTC camp to promote scouters who have been qaulified them selves to become a scout leader and...
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IT Conference on Scouts Go Solar
3 years ago
Project 900 50

IT Conference on Scouts Go Solar

It was a 3 days conference on Scouts Go Solar where our leaders conveyed information regarding use of solor energy and its benifets.
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Pakistan Day 23-March-2021
3 years ago
Project 180 30

Pakistan Day 23-March-2021

On the occasion of Pakistan Day, which is celebrated all over Pakistan as it was the day when the formation of Pakistan was declared, we scouts of Karachi...
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