Goal 7

Affordable and Clean Energy

Goal 7

Affordable and Clean Energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

Access to affordable and sustainable energy is not universal. Not only does this affect health, education and economic opportunities - the world's current energy sources and usage are harming our planet.

Scouts, let's champion clean and affordable energy solutions that ensure more sustainable and equal access worldwide.

The power of the sun
The power of the sun

Inspiring projects

Project 34884 57


Project 264 30

Give a Light for Life Project

Read more about Give a Light for Life Project

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Start your journey and earn your digital badge! If you’re working on your own project outside of these challenges, you can still join our family! Start by submitting your project details and photos...

Scouts in action

Affordable and Clean activities

The Colors of Solar Energy

Through experimentation with bottles of different colours, you will get to know which colours...

Choose activity The Colors of Solar Energy

DIY Sunglasses

In this hands-on activity, you will create your own sunglasses, which protect your eyes from...

Choose activity DIY Sunglasses

Solar Art

In this activity, you will create art using the power of sunlight and a magnifying glass. Get ready...

Choose activity Solar Art

Solar Chef - Building Your Panel Solar Cooker!

Become a Solar Chef and harness the power of the sun to cook delicious meals using your self-made...

Choose activity Solar Chef - Building Your Panel Solar Cooker!

Your eco-friendly life

This activity focuses on how you can contribute to sustainability with daily personal habits. You...

Choose activity Your eco-friendly life

Solar Cooking

Use in practice your solar oven or cooker that you made in the previous activity, and share it with...

Choose activity Solar Cooking

Potato Battery

Experience of processes of transformation of matter into energy, and how natural components of our...

Choose activity Potato Battery

SODIS - Harnessing the Sun's Power to Purify Water!

Experience directly the usefulness of UV rays as a possible means of disinfecting water in remote...

Choose activity SODIS - Harnessing the Sun's Power to Purify Water!


Through practice you will learn a practical and potential utility of magnetism, a little-used...

Choose activity Magnetism

Sundial - Sun's Timekeeper: Unraveling the Solar Secrets!

Integrate previous knowledge of the movements of translation and rotation of the earth with the...

Choose activity Sundial - Sun's Timekeeper: Unraveling the Solar Secrets!

Creating a Simple Solenoid: Explore the Magic of Electromagnets!

Practical application of the relationship between electricity and magnetism, and how to use it in a...

Choose activity Creating a Simple Solenoid: Explore the Magic of Electromagnets!

Collect Water from Vegetation

Get ready for an exciting adventure of water collection using the sun's magic! In this hands-on...

Choose activity Collect Water from Vegetation