Describe your ideas using only one-syllable words. How clear and simple can you make your...
Imagine your solution has been implemented. Write a front-page news report detailing the success...
Plan your project using the SMART framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time...
Think about how your solution will make people feel, what they will think, and what they will do...
Solve problems within different budget constraints using play money. How creatively can you...
Be an art critic! Evaluate a piece of art, share what you like and don’t like, and suggest...
Create a storyboard of each stage of your project and reflect on it as if you’re in a museum. What...
Use the Systems Compass to consider how your solution affects nature, well-being, society, and the...
Record a video sharing your project journey. What did you learn, and how would you do things...
Create a sketch to share your project journey and the lessons learned. Make it fun by role-playing...
Write your thoughts on anonymous post-it notes and stick them on a wall divided into "like/good"...
You will learn the connection between kindness and positive emotions. You will foster empathy and...