Profile picture for user mahim shahriar mahi__8Z
Mahim Shahriar Mahi
Service hours
Service Projects
7 months ago
Project 24 50

অসহায়দের মধ্যে সাহায্য

আমাদের দেশে সিলেটে একটি ভয়াবহ অবস্থা সৃষ্টি হয়।সিলেটে এক ভয়াবহ বন্যা হয়।এর ফলে অনেক মানুষের ক্ষতি সাধিত হয়।এমতবস্তায় দিনাজপুর থেকে ৫০ জনের একটি টিম যাচ্ছে...
Read more about অসহায়দের মধ্যে সাহায্য
7 months ago
Project 4 12

Planting tree

I got the inspiration to plant trees from our scout leader.he makes us plant a tevery year And he tells us to take care of the tree
Read more about Planting tree
7 months ago
Project 24 18

Giving vitamin a capsule

I got the inspiration to do this activity from the senior doctor of the hospital, I had been there a day before, so he asked me that you are a scout, I said...
Read more about Giving vitamin a capsule
7 months ago
Project 5 14

Planting for a safe environment

There was a time when we had a lot of plants on this planet. With the passage of time, the forest is being deforested due to the various needs of the people...
Read more about Planting for a safe environment