Profile picture for user mahim shahriar mahi__8Z

Giving vitamin a capsule

I got the inspiration to do this activity from the senior doctor of the hospital, I had been there a day before, so he asked me that you are a scout, I said yes, then he told me that there is a shortage of staff in our polio campaign, so you can work with us for three days, I said you will

On the first day, we were given a booth near the station for the polio campaign and from there we administered the vitamin a capsule to the small children while coming in the train. On the second and third day, our job was to go door to door to give vitamin a, so we went door to door on the second day and gave vitamin a in ward number 25. On the third day, we were given a colony, inside which there were many small children, we gave them vitamin a

polio vaccine. This project will have an active effect on the health of small children. We know that vitamin a is a capsule which is very important for children. This activity will have an active effect on 135 children.

I got to learn a lot from this project like how we can work together with the administration of the hospital, I went door to door and that too I saw that small children go to school and we administered vitamin a capsule to small children going to school, I felt very happy that I worked with my administration.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Health lifestyles
Humanitarian action
Environment and Sustainability
Health and Wellbeing

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