Profile picture for user Sonam Dechheling_1
Sonam Dechheling
Service hours
Service Projects
Construction of footpath towards general toilet.
5 years ago
Project 336 56

Construction of footpath towards general toilet.

On 10/11/2018, along with class VIII students, i innitiated to construct footpath towards students general toilet which is about 40 meters from academic block...
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White washing of stupa's during decending day of Lord Buddha.
5 years ago
Project 2000 200

White washing of stupa's during decending day of Lord Buddha.

On 31st October, coinciding with the descending day of Lord Buddha, Dechheling school staffs and students along with the volunteers from community took part in...
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Social services to Dratshang (Monastery)
5 years ago
Project 800 100

Social services to Dratshang (Monastery)

On 18/10/2018, More than 100 peoples gathered infront of the monastery to render their services in dismantling one of the biggest temporary temple which was...
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Scout exchange camp, 2018
5 years ago
Project 2000 200

Scout exchange camp, 2018

Nazhoen Scouts of Nganglam Central School and Dechheling Lower secondary School had a great cultural exchange program from 6-10-18- 7-10-18 for two days. Total...
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