Scout exchange camp, 2018

Scout exchange camp, 2018

Nazhoen Scouts of Nganglam Central School and Dechheling Lower secondary School had a great cultural exchange program from 6-10-18- 7-10-18 for two days. Total of 90 scouts members ecorting by 3 male leaders were recieved warmly by scout leaders and members of D.L.S.S on saturday evening. In the evening, we had a cultural exchange program by lighting camp fire and dances.In the morning, we had BP exercise, jogging and drill session from 5: 00 am till 6:00 am follwed by flag hosting ceremony at 7:30 am. All the members gathered at assembly hall and i briefed them on program list and how to go with activities. We had a range of activities like treasure hunt, blind trial and sense testing. All the program went well and it brought the tears into the heart of every members in the closing ceremony. The program was innitiated by two schools with their own expenditure fromĀ  the school budget. Total of 250 scouts took part in the program.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety

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