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Chewang Tenzin Doya
Service hours
Service Projects
Spreading peace through Sport
3 years ago
Project 3500 350

Spreading peace through Sport

Every year, people of three Lhops villages always come together on 1st January to mark and celebrate the Happy New Year. It is the day on which all the people...
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Spiritual Service
3 years ago
Project 287 25

Spiritual Service

On Sunday, 12th November 2017, I along with the Principal, Vice-Principal, staff of Sengdhyen Lower Secondary School, Tshogpa of Singye Chiwog, public of JSW...
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Cleaning Campaign at Jigme Village
3 years ago
Project 560 70

Cleaning Campaign at Jigme Village

On 11 June 2017, one day cleaning campaign was organised at Jigme village, under Samtse Dzongkhag. People from about 70 households of the village has...
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cleaning campaign
5 years ago
Project 420 105

cleaning campaign

On 9 December 2016, as the nation move forward to achieve another milestone of making the Bhutan the cleanest country with first ever nationwide cleaning...
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