Spiritual Service

Spiritual Service

On Sunday, 12th November 2017, I along with the Principal, Vice-Principal, staff of Sengdhyen Lower Secondary School, Tshogpa of Singye Chiwog, public of JSW villages and Sengdhyen villages have jointly gone for the spiritual services to White-wash and reinstate the tri-junction Chorten (stupa) at Weezer gang, under Dorokha dungkhag and Samtse dzongkhag. Total of 25 individuals put up their heart and soul to regain the status of the religious monument. The chorten (Stupa) was fully drenched with black patches (mosses), faded colour, and neglected. The outlook of the chorten was not very appealing and upto the standard of the religious momunment. The participants started their service from very early morning at around 0600 hours by removing and washing of black patches and cleaning of the surrounding. The participants whole heartedly restored every parts and pieces of the Chorten. The works finally completed at 1750 hours without an interval in between. Through this small spiritual service we could able to spread the message to the passerby that the peace in the world can be prevailed if only the indvidual’s inner peace is stable. The inner peace is instilled and stabilised only through the mindfull practice of religion. Services to the religious monuments are one way in which develops the sense of religious practises.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety

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