Profile picture for user Chhewang Tedxin_1
Chewang Tenzin Doya
Service hours
Service Projects
Community Religious Ceremony
3 years ago
Project 8000 400

Community Religious Ceremony

First ever Community Religious Ceremony (Mangi Rimdro, Bhutanese term) was conducted for three villages: Jigme, Singye and Wangchuk. It was conducted mainly to...
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Restoration of Lhop's Museum
3 years ago
Project 5400 60

Restoration of Lhop's Museum

The work for the resoration of Lhop's museum was started from 7th January 2018 to 16th January 2018. The traditional design of Lhop museum which was built by...
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Choekkhor - The Religious Procession
3 years ago
Project 3300 300

Choekkhor - The Religious Procession

On 31st October 2018, coinciding with the Descending Day of Lord Buddha I initiated the Choekhhor Program - the religious procession for the communities of...
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Summer Reading Retreat
3 years ago
Project 1320 33

Summer Reading Retreat

A week long reading program titled "Summer Reading Retreat" was initiated from 21 - 28 July 2018 for the students from Jigme, Singye and Wangchuk villages. The...
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