Profile picture for user Tenzin Wangchuk_1
Tenzin Wangchuk
7 months ago
Project 40 2

My beautiful class

Create safe and conducive learning environment
Read more about My beautiful class
2 years ago
Project 3450 115

our waste our responsibility

global issue in fighting climate change
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Southern foothills festival 3rd round
3 years ago
Project 4800 100

Southern foothills festival 3rd round

Southern foothill festival A grand festival for people of south. Various activities and display of local products to promote self sustainability and local...
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New community based scouting troop initiated
4 years ago
Project 1200 40

New community based scouting troop initiated

A total of 35 new community based scouts investitured at sarpang district from 3 different regions. This people have volunteered to serve their community on...
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