Chakib Benayad
Service hours
Service Projects
1 month ago
Project 54 100

Emergency response to the earthquake in Morocco

Based on its scouting mission in humanitarian operations, the National Federation of Moroccan Scouting launched an immediate response plan. Immediately after...
Read more about Emergency response to the earthquake in Morocco
10 months ago
Project 504 300

Sign language

Promote Sign Language Awareness: Increase awareness about the importance and relevance of sign language as a means of communication, particularly for Inclusive...
Read more about Sign language
10 months ago
Project 504 300

Mental Health

Organizing mental health training for scouts leaders is a proactive and preventive measure that can have a significant positive impact on individuals and...
Read more about Mental Health
1 year ago
Project 1068 100

Back to Scouts

The project aims to enhance and improve membership in the National Federation of Moroccan Scouting by attracting new members and retaining current ones through...
Read more about Back to Scouts