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Md.Musfikur Rahman
Service hours
Service Projects
9 months ago
Project 1110 37

Collecting clothes and distribution among the poor

Homeless people's homes are usually located near stations or streets, where the wind is always blowing and it's always cool, plus it's very cold in winter. To...
Read more about Collecting clothes and distribution among the poor
9 months ago
Project 3192 57

Dengue Mosquito Eradication-2023

Reduce the spread of Dengue fever and its associated health risks. These programs aim to educate communities about the importance of taking preventive measures...
Read more about Dengue Mosquito Eradication-2023
9 months ago
Project 7260 121

Tree Plantation Program on 2023

Observing the pressing environmental issues and deforestation concerns in our community, we were inspired to initiate the tree planting project. We believed...
Read more about Tree Plantation Program on 2023