Profile picture for user musfikur551
Md.Musfikur Rahman
Service hours
Service Projects
3 months ago
Project 15 25

Food Donation -2023

Donating to the needy is a great way to improve the conditions in our neighborhood or community. Donating food to the worthy people or organizations helps...
Read more about Food Donation -2023
5 months ago
Project 6 30

Food Donation for Some Poor people

Donating to the needy is a great way to improve the conditions in our neighborhood or community. Donating food to the worthy people or organizations helps...
Read more about Food Donation for Some Poor people
5 months ago
Project 6 60

Vitamin A Plus Campaign

Bogura Polytechnic Institute Rover Scout Group actively contributes to child health by ensuring vitamin A supplementation for underprivileged children. Our...
Read more about Vitamin A Plus Campaign
5 months ago
Project 6 34

Vitamin A plus Campaign Bogura - 2023

Actively contributes to child health by ensuring vitamin A supplementation for underprivileged children. Our community service impacts local residents...
Read more about Vitamin A plus Campaign Bogura - 2023