Profile picture for user chuey_1
Conner Huey
United States of America
Service hours
Service Projects
2 years ago
Project 2376 1

Washington World Fellowship

I aspire to be a catalyst, one who sparks change in our world through public service and youth empowerment. As such, I wanted to organize a project that...
Read more about Washington World Fellowship
3 years ago
Project 48780 30

Survivors Support Through Outreach Prevention | Promoting Proper Education & Awareness Regarding Sexual Violence

On August 29th, 2020, students from Central Kitsap School District (CKSD) rallied to protest the Central Kitsap School District's handling of sexual assault...
Read more about Survivors Support Through Outreach Prevention | Promoting Proper Education & Awareness Regarding Sexual Violence
HB 1336 - Ensuring Access to Broadband Internet in Washington State
3 years ago
Project 1146000 1000

HB 1336 - Ensuring Access to Broadband Internet in Washington State

Broadband internet has proven to be an essential part of 21-century life. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have relied on it for things such as recreation...
Read more about HB 1336 - Ensuring Access to Broadband Internet in Washington State