Profile picture for user Mani Dem_1
Mani Dem
Service hours
Service Projects
Chanting of Avalokitashvara
4 years ago
Project 4200 70

Chanting of Avalokitashvara

As a scout master of Khotokha Pry School, had initiated for chating of Avalokishvara mantra for a month through online programme by involving all the nachung...
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Awareness on wast management.
3 years ago
Project 490 70

Awareness on wast management.

I as a waste management coordinator had conducted the programme waste management awareness on 7th February 2020 to the community of Khotokha in Khotokha Pry...
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3 years ago
Project 2240 320


Legacy of the year 2019 in Khotokha Pry School of Wangdue is reaching to the heaven of Manjushri.The buying of Jamyang ku and the construction of Jamyang...
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closing ceremony.
3 years ago
Project 450 150

closing ceremony.

Closing, it's our last activity for the year of 2019. We the Scout of Khotokha Pry School had ended our scout day of 2019 with the closing ceremony on 26th of...
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