Borislav Jovovic
Service hours
Service Projects
5 months ago
Project 560 20

Scouting moving forward

The motivation for this project came from the needs of our Association. We saw that we have a need for a Training for Scout Unit Leaders, since we're having...
Read more about Scouting moving forward
2 years ago
Project 369600 400

2021 - RESTART

Re-energizing Scout units and creating new units in order to retain and grow membership of Scout and Guide Association of Montenegro.
Read more about 2021 - RESTART
Steps to better Scouting
5 years ago
Project 78000 250

Steps to better Scouting

Association of Scouts of Montenegro during the summer of 2016. organized training for young leaders, which included Scouts for all over the country. The...
Read more about Steps to better Scouting