4 km Walk for Animals
5 years ago
Project 4 1

4 km Walk for Animals

As Pina scouting club, from İzmir, Turkey our scout and senior patrol leader Ayşe Zeynep Alçıtepe, walked about 4 km for animals living streets. She gave food...
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Visits for "Atatürk's Mother and Women Rights " 2019
5 years ago
Project 80 40

Visits for "Atatürk's Mother and Women Rights " 2019

As Pina Scouting Club , from İzmir, Turkey January the 14th is a date of death of Zübeyde Hanım, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's mother. So, we had a meaningful visit...
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Volunteer service at library for blinds / 3
5 years ago
Project 40 5

Volunteer service at library for blinds / 3

As Pina scouting club , İzmir, Turkey Our five scouts from Puma Patrol, had worked during 1 day at a special library for blinds. They helped preparations of...
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Book Campaign for a Village School... Result 2494 Books
5 years ago
Project 140 70

Book Campaign for a Village School... Result 2494 Books

As Pina Scouting Club, İzmir, Turkey, we had a campaign for a village school. We heard that Kars, Verimli village primary and secondary schools don't had...
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