"Orientation program on Value"
4 years ago
Project 27000 900

"Orientation program on Value"

For a week we had oriented value program for students of MCS on 6th to 11/02/20. The theme was to keep our future leaders in torch with our rich value of...
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"Clean Hand Policy"
3 years ago
Project 10500 210

"Clean Hand Policy"

We scout leaders of MCS had organized, "Clean Hand Policy" for the primary standard students of six to pre-primary. If we keep our hand clean we are protecting...
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" We are Bhutanese"
3 years ago
Project 6402 291

" We are Bhutanese"

As i am house master i had taught steps of traditional songs by stating' " We are Bhutanese" lets love our beautiful traditional songs and lets preserve it.
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"Dancing competition among young stars"
3 years ago
Project 2560 320

"Dancing competition among young stars"

To keep our culture alive and to inject our country's traditional dance we scout Leaders had coordinated dance competition's between youths of standard 7 and 8...
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