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Kinley Rinchen
Promoting Bhutanese Ettique Through Scouting
5 years ago
Project 120 34

Promoting Bhutanese Ettique Through Scouting

Usage of toray(piece of cloth used by Bhutanese to eat instead of a plate) and phob(mug) lessons were practically demonstrated. During lunch break, Nachungs...
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Infusing Cultural and Traditional values through songs and dances
5 years ago
Project 330 33

Infusing Cultural and Traditional values through songs and dances

Nachung scouts of Sertena Primary School have learnt at least four traditional songs (boedra) through the course of four months Scouting program for the first...
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Nachung Handbook Orientation
5 years ago
Project 120 15

Nachung Handbook Orientation

15 Nachung Leaders of Haa Dzongkhag received orientation on the new hand book. The orientation covered up the activities that are relevant to our Bhutanese...
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First Aid Orientation for Nachungs
5 years ago
Project 136 34

First Aid Orientation for Nachungs

33 Nachungs were oriented on basic First Aid session on how to use scarves as an arm sling. The session covered usage of scarves for various purposes for...
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