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Dawa Drukpa
Result Declaration Day 2019
4 years ago
Project 1800 300

Result Declaration Day 2019

The School declared the Annual Result of the students on 19th December in present of Parents and few students. All the parents, supporting staff, few students...
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112th National Day celebration
4 years ago
Project 336 56

112th National Day celebration

The staff of Tshangkha Central School celebrated the 112th National Day in the school. The day was coordinated by the Desups. All the staff of TCS gathered in...
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Mass Cleaning Campaign by CBS of Tshangkha & Tangsbi Community on the Trongsa-Wangduephodrang National High Way
4 years ago
Project 282 47

Mass Cleaning Campaign by CBS of Tshangkha & Tangsbi Community on the Trongsa-Wangduephodrang National High Way

Community Based Scouts (CBS)of Tangsibji and Tshangkha community, Trongsa done mass cleaning on the Trongsa-Wangduephodrang National highway to fight against...
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International Day of Persons With Disabilities (IDPWD) 2019
4 years ago
Project 360 60

International Day of Persons With Disabilities (IDPWD) 2019

Since 1992, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) has been annually observed on 3 December around the world. The theme for this 2019 IDPD...
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