Mass Cleaning Campaign by CBS of Tshangkha & Tangsbi Community on the Trongsa-Wangduephodrang National High Way
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Mass Cleaning Campaign by CBS of Tshangkha & Tangsbi Community on the Trongsa-Wangduephodrang National High Way

Community Based Scouts (CBS)of Tangsibji and Tshangkha community, Trongsa done mass cleaning on the Trongsa-Wangduephodrang National highway to fight against climate change and importance of environment to human life.

There were about 10 male and 37 female Community Based Scouts from two different community. The cleaning campign was satrted from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. The CBS were also briefed on the fndamentals of Scouing. We had also done nomination for upcoming CBS Annual Gatheing at Phunsholing 2020. 

The programme was supported by Jigme Singye Wangchuk National Park (JSWNP) -Tshangkha and Nikachu Project.

Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme

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