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Kelzang Tenzin
Service hours
Service Projects
Orientation program for office bearers and volunteers
5 years ago
Project 150 30

Orientation program for office bearers and volunteers

Sucessfully concluded a day long orientation program for office bearers and volunteers. They were oriented on working system of youth centre, particularly on...
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River side cleaning
5 years ago
Project 156 26

River side cleaning

The volunteers of Paro Youth centre initiated cleaning program along the riverside of Pachhu near Nyimezampa with the theme 'I clean, you clean, we clean, and...
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Community Youth Mapping
5 years ago
Project 552 23

Community Youth Mapping

Successfully completed with community youth mapping exercise. The mapping covered from Shaba in the south till Drukgyel in the north of Paro Dzongkhag. The...
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Dzongkhag Nazhoen scouts Camp
5 years ago
Project 12480 260

Dzongkhag Nazhoen scouts Camp

Dzongkhag Nazhoen Scouts Camp organised by Dzongkhag Education Sector, Paro as a part of winter youth engagement program (from 19th-24th December 2017) was a...
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