Profile picture for user md.sigbat ulla adnan
9 months ago
Project 6 1

Distributing Winter Clothes in remote area

In winter season the temperature become very low especially in villages . If we talk about char then the temperature is more less then from village. And the...
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9 months ago
Project 6 1

Distribution of Educational Materials

Bangladesh is a developing country. Education is the main thing by which our country will be a developed country. But a lot of people in our country can not...
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8 months ago
Project 3 1

Bicycles for the students of Scout Char

In lalmonirhat char there is a primary school named Smrity Roy Crystal Scout Primary School. Some of the students of that school passed from there and got...
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9 months ago
Project 6 1

Free Medical Check-up on Scout Char

Maximum people of scout char were not able to go on a clinic for Diagnosis and the govt hospital is too far from them . So crystal open scouts decided to...
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