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Pema Wangchen Wangdi
Road monitoring and plants regeneration survey.
4 years ago
Project 168 6

Road monitoring and plants regeneration survey.

For the environmental conservation took part in forest road monitoring along the forest road and plant regeneration survey along with the staff of Korilla FMU...
Read more about Road monitoring and plants regeneration survey.
Stream cleaning with KFMU ( Korila Forest Management Unit)
4 years ago
Project 168 6

Stream cleaning with KFMU ( Korila Forest Management Unit)

A view of retaining our pristine nature of surrounding and environment with free of plastic and waste.
Read more about Stream cleaning with KFMU ( Korila Forest Management Unit)
Mass cleaning camping.
4 years ago
Project 25 5

Mass cleaning camping.

A step to pursuit of Gross National Happiness under the pillar of Environmental Protection for our younger generation to come.
Read more about Mass cleaning camping.
Football competition for girls.
4 years ago
Project 1080 108

Football competition for girls.

In the name to have gender equality scouts conducted football completion for girls among the classes.
Read more about Football competition for girls.