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Pema Wangchen Wangdi
Kuengao Camp
4 years ago
Project 8280 115

Kuengao Camp

DSA of Mongar has conducted camp at Chali to promote scouts of Kuengao batch to the next that is to Tempa.
Read more about Kuengao Camp
4 years ago
Project 1353 123


Scout went for hiking no only for the physical fitness aspect but also to encourage them to develop the skills of planing, teamwork, leadership and many more.
Read more about Hiking
Water source cleaning
4 years ago
Project 120 30

Water source cleaning

To make student and staff drink clean water scouts went for water source cleaning
Read more about Water source cleaning
Volleyball Competition.
4 years ago
Project 3240 108

Volleyball Competition.

Scout organised volley ball completion among the classes so as to develop skill in individuals and to make them realize what teamwork is.
Read more about Volleyball Competition.