Profile picture for user Shorty scout_1
Tenzin Wangchuk
cleaning a road side
5 years ago
Project 60 10

cleaning a road side

i am happy to do work to keep world save.
Read more about cleaning a road side
journey towards waste management at lhuntse.
5 years ago
Project 882 147

journey towards waste management at lhuntse.

we knew that we must protecetd our waste by ourself to keep our country claen.
Read more about journey towards waste management at lhuntse.
banner for reception.
5 years ago
Project 48 8

banner for reception.

we are busy to making banner .we are proud to 7 of all to recep to our school.
Read more about banner for reception.
cleaning beside ECCD at lhuntse.
5 years ago
Project 216 36

cleaning beside ECCD at lhuntse.

we are feeling happy to that we can help eccd child to learn at that centre.
Read more about cleaning beside ECCD at lhuntse.