Profile picture for user Shorty scout_1
Tenzin Wangchuk
better for health
5 years ago
Project 840 140

better for health

we are happy to our work and we have been appercite by dzongkhag adminstrition.
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paper picking beside town
5 years ago
Project 216 36

paper picking beside town

town was so dirty before after that town aws so beatiful to look.
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volunteerism in zhabdrung kuche
5 years ago
Project 468 26

volunteerism in zhabdrung kuche

we have served as 3 days in zhabdrung kuchce.
Read more about volunteerism in zhabdrung kuche
5 years ago
Project 960 160


through rope work i am much safer than non scout.i knew so many ropework to my knowlegde.
Read more about ropework