Profile picture for user tenzinmickwwwpdorjee555@gmail.com_1
Scout Tenzin Pelden
Give Your Best
4 years ago
Project 252 14

Give Your Best

We the scout of Sarpang Dzongkhag volunteered at Foothill festival conducted at Gelephu. We were mainly indulge in crowd controling, indulge in duty at check...
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Clean environment is a safe environment
4 years ago
Project 9025 95

Clean environment is a safe environment

we the scout of Sarpang Central School did a cleaning camping and water stream cleaning at Tshechu(hot spring) with 58 scouts, 5 Youthleader and 5 scout master...
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Clean environment for fresh water supply
5 years ago
Project 83 83

Clean environment for fresh water supply

All the scouts of Sarpang Central School fall in at time 3:30 p.m at assembly with 75 scouts, with 5 youth leader and 2 scout master. We distributed our work...
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plant trees for good resources
4 years ago
Project 2280 190

plant trees for good resources

We the scout of Sarpang Central School along with students gathered at school at time 8 and distribute among our self among 3 groups. One group was assign to...
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