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Scout Tenzin Pelden
Save the mother earth and she will save you.
5 years ago
Project 945 945

Save the mother earth and she will save you.

This cleaning camping was organized by Nature Club, Y-via and Scouts of Sarpang central school.. All the Teachers and student of Sarpang central school...
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Clean environment for better growth of trees
5 years ago
Project 164 41

Clean environment for better growth of trees

we gathered at school in the morning on time 8 a.m. And we started work from the path by clearing the way till the plantation area. We worked till 12p.m.
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Learn for life
5 years ago
Project 680 85

Learn for life

On 27th April 2019, went to make hike track with 4 youth leaders and 3 scouts and on 28th April 2019, We divide all the scout into five groups. On 8 a.m first...
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