Profile picture for user tenzinmickwwwpdorjee555@gmail.com_1
Scout Tenzin Pelden
Time to learn
4 years ago
Project 2660 95

Time to learn

Sarpang Central School organized a school level scout camping where scouts of Sarpang Central School were fully engaged in various team building activities so...
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little thing can save life
4 years ago
Project 574 82

little thing can save life

we the scout of Sarpang Central School along with the officials from MOH of Gelephu were involved in dengue prevention and control activities at Sarpang Yar...
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Give ur best
4 years ago
Project 50400 50

Give ur best

Melamchenmo was held at gelephu from 30thDecwmber 2018 till 10th February 2019. There were more than 5000 people from different dzongkhag and their were 46...
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little thing can safe from harm
4 years ago
Project 35 7

little thing can safe from harm

We the youth leader of gelephu gathered on 9am sharp at Gelephu town to do a volunteer work on making soling under the sintex placed for the hand washing. We...
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