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Pema Choden
Service hours
Service Projects
The Enduring importance of Parental involvement in Education system.
3 years ago
Project 426 71

The Enduring importance of Parental involvement in Education system.

The scout leader and the scouts encourages all parents to take an active role in their children's Education. Family engagement remains essential to students...
Read more about The Enduring importance of Parental involvement in Education system.
rendering a helping hand
3 years ago
Project 210 42

rendering a helping hand

Since this day is considered very auspicious and holy, the merits accumulated on this day is double then other normal days! The senior scouts who were free...
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scouts being prepared...
3 years ago
Project 5168 1292

scouts being prepared...

We say our motto is Be Prepared, but how prepared are you and your Scouts for a serious emergency? The importance of preparing ourselves for disasters is...
Read more about scouts being prepared...
Observing National voters day ( international democracy day)
3 years ago
Project 2460 410

Observing National voters day ( international democracy day)

The international Democracy day is observed as NATIONAL VOTERS DAY in Bhutan, Bhutan this year observed the day at Pelrithang Midddle secondary school, Gelephu...
Read more about Observing National voters day ( international democracy day)