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Pema Choden
Service hours
Service Projects
The children of Peace
3 years ago
Project 3516 586

The children of Peace

The celebration of children's day in Bhutan is on the Birth Anniversary of our fourth Durk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuk. To mark the day Pelrithang Middle...
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Scouts as and helping Agent
3 years ago
Project 593 77

Scouts as and helping Agent

The scouts of Pelrithang Middle Secondary School help the construction of Temple that's in the catchment area of school. The project help the scouts the sense...
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Celebrating the Birth of Royal Prince
3 years ago
Project 3638 379

Celebrating the Birth of Royal Prince

The 330 Nachung Scouts, 14 leadership Scouts and 35 scouts leaders of Sarpang Dzongkhag celebrated the birth of Royal Prince by organizing camp for nachungs...
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international Peace Day
3 years ago
Project 3500 70

international Peace Day

The leaders and scouts of Pelrithang MSS,Gelephu,Bhutan observed international Peace Day by cleaning the hot spring ..the only place where most of the people...
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