Sustainable Development Goals
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Sustainable Development Goals

MoE deals with young people since 2017 to contribute towards achieving the SDGs, through youth centers. Every year the division organizes sdg workshop for youth voulunteers to give them a platform to come together, share experiences and develop action plans to implement sdg.
For this year, the 3 day workshop has been conducted at Norbuling Rigter college in Park since 20th July.. It had been facilitated by relevant officials and youth resource, along with 111 participants from 10 youth centers lead by respective admins or manager..
Over the past days, the participants have shared the implementation status of their 2019 action plans with their achievements and challenges. Moreover, they develop the new action plan for 2020 to  continue with their hard work to contribute in achieving SDGs through their respective youth centers.
In addition to the regular sessions the participants were also engaged in multiples of activities in the morning and evening sessions. They were even taken on  a cultural tour to lhading Goenpa for exposure and experiential learning. Furthermore, cultural and games competitions are held among the centers to know team building amongst themselves. The talent night was the last core activity to showcase what unique thing they posses and early next they wave good bye to each other..

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Global Support Assessment Tool
Good Governance
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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