Promoting SDGs and Betterworld Framework - 1st Iskandar Puteri SDGs International Camp 2019
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Promoting SDGs and Betterworld Framework - 1st Iskandar Puteri SDGs International Camp 2019

22nd - 26th Nov 2019: Scouts for SDGs is soaring in Malaysia. The Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia (PPM) organized the 1st Iskandar Puteri Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) International Camp 2019. The camp was organized at Educity Sports Complex, Educity, Iskandar Puteri, Johor Bharu, Malaysia. The participants for this camp is 1195 for SDGs Camp and Robotic Challenge including 15 participants from 4 different countries (India, Indonesia, Taiwan and Hong Kong) , 120 Scout Master Summit participants and 90 rovers which act as the program manager and helper for the whole program. 

This program was the first of its kind in Malaysia where the purpose of it is to give exposure to the young people (aged 10-17 years old) about the 17 elements of the Sustainable Development Goals which was set in 2015 by the United Nation General Assembly and intended to be achieved by the year 2030, are part of UN Resolution 70/1, the 2030 Agenda. 

In addition, this program also promotes the Better World Framework (BwF) which was introduced by the World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM). Better World Framework is a set of coordinated programmes, campaigns, calls to action, partnerships and events designed to develop the competencies of young people to become global active citizens by taking action around issues related to sustainable development. Adaptation of this program, it helps PPM to align their educational objectives related to active global citizenship and community development with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).  

The activities conducted by bases where there will be SDGs cluster bases and the BwF bases which include Scout Go Solar (SGS), Patrimonito, Scouts of the World Award (SWA), Messengers of Peace (MoP), HeForShe, World Scout Environment Programme (WSEP) and Dialogue for Peace. In addition, the Robotic Challenge and robotic exhibition which was organized with the collaboration of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) that helps to promote and complement the theme Industrial Revolution 4.0. The Girl Guides Association Malaysia also held a session entitled 'Orange Day' that promotes the SDGs no. 5 (Gender Equality). Another collaborator, CENPEACE held 2 sessions during the camp where the first session is "Introduction to Peace" and the second session is a short-forum session that is "Solar for Peace". A special event was held at 25th November 2019 specifically only for Scout Leaders is the Scout Master Summit where it promotes and teaches the Scout Master or Leader on Scouts for SDGs and Better World Framework. 

As one of the organizer team, I was spearheading the International Relations Team where alongside with other 4 members, we helped to cater to the needs of the international participants throughout the whole camp. This includes the information of the camp, registration, transportation and accomodation. 

In the near future, PPM will put a full commitment to ensure the SDGs and Better World Framework programs will be organized more actively especially with the strength and unity from the young people to execute the programs. 

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